Visitors Snared in India-Canada Visa Dispute

Since India has declared that it will cease providing Canadian nationals with visa facilities, the phone line at a tourism company in Vancouver has not stopped ringing. One of the employees of Explore India, a company that arranges trips to the nation, was highly concerned about the visa ban. For those who have travel plans in the near future, the news has been more alarming. 

From 21 September 2023 onward, travel-related challenges for visitors are only one of the issues that have surfaced since India ceased visas for Canadians. But the country banned visas due to staff safety concerns. The action came after Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, publicly claimed that India is possibly responsible for a Sikh separatist’s murder in Canada. The accusation has been deemed absurd by India.

Based on information relating to tourism, over 80,000 Canadians traveled in 2021. This is because one of the 5 leading source countries for tourists coming to India is Canada. Around 1.86 million Indian-born citizens of Canada are not much affected by the visa ban. Other people, though, assert that it has made them worry for their upcoming years in the nation. 

Further, there is no restriction on entry for Indian nationals. It also applies to Canadian nationals who have an Overseas Citizenship of India. With this provision, people from India who live in Canada are given lifetime entry to the country. 

By banning Canadian Visas, the problem is possibly encouraging violence. An environment is being fostered in which, the consulates and high commissions are unable to function effectively, according to Arindam Bagchi, spokesman at India’s Ministry of External Affairs. 

Canada has been observed to have close ties with India. In relation to this, there is a substantial group of Indian-Canadians in the country. For studying abroad, Canada is one of the most widely chosen countries. Additionally, they grow the number of immigrants in the nation. 

Furthermore, on Thursday, during a press conference, Mr. Trudeau made a hint that Canada would not be taking a similar action in response regarding visas. This is because it was not intended to provoke this country by making an allegation. 

However, the recent conflict raises doubts regarding the coming economic cooperation between India and Canada. On this point, Indian-born Canadian Hemant Shah has expressed some concern. He is concerned with how the conflict may affect business relationships as well as commerce. 

Ms. Sharma, working with Explore India, is confident that Canadian persons will be well received by local Indians, regardless of the political instability. Considering the reality that India has published a travel advisory to its nationals, she suggests being cautious in the North American Country. 

Overall, individuals like Ms. Sharma want to see India and Canada have a close relationship, as individuals relocate here in order to develop their careers. Along with this, here, more benefits and possibilities are observed. Therefore, they favor maintaining good relationships between these two countries. 

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