Amazing and Fun Things to Do in Augusta GA (Georgia)

Amazing and Fun Things to Do in Augusta GA (Georgia)

While in Georgia, the best times do not stop with Savannah or Atlanta. It is because there is one more outstanding city that is perfect for travelers to the southern part. Yes, we are talking about Augusta. Situated near the border of South Carolina, Augusta is counted among the most ideal cities to enjoy southern hospitality and tremendous tourist attractions. Simply put, you will have countless romantic and fun things to do in Augusta GA.

Here are some things that you can do in Augusta.

Fun Things to Do in Augusta GA

1. Augusta Museum of History

Augusta Museum of History

It is one of the longest-running museums in Augusta. Opened in 1937, the Augusta Museum of History has preserved the pride and history of this city at its finest. If you are someone who loves exploring the historical side of something, then this museum has a lot to offer. However, you should note down the opening hours of this place. You can visit this museum from Thursday to Saturday between 10 am and 5 pm. On Sunday, you can visit between 1 pm and 5 pm.

2. River Walks

River Walks

Visiting River Walks is one of the best things to do in Augusta GA. It follows the famous Savannah River, you can plan your visit with your family and friends and enjoy it endlessly. Your kids will surely love playing on the ground. If you are visiting with your partner, then you can just hold each other’s hands and gaze upon the river water. In case you have not visited this place yet, you must plan it right away. However, you should visit this place during the daytime as it will have beautiful views to capture with your camera. 

3. James Brown Statue

James Brown Statue

This is the most desirable place for music lovers. With so many legendary songs such as ‘Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag’ and ‘I Feel Good’, the great late singer James Brown is still resonating with music fans across age groups. The statue is having a smiling face of James with a microphone in his hand. Since it is among the top outdoor attractions of this city, you can take pictures and get detailed information about music here.

4. Meadow Garden

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