Top 20 Best Places to Travel in August 2022

Places to Travel in August

Our experts have pitched travellers a few wild-card suggestions this month, proving that travelling in August isn’t only about lounging on a beach somewhere and enjoying the last of the northern hemisphere’s summer.

Once the summer tide reaches the low point, the majority of vacationers are keen to leave their homes for a bit of a change. It is the ideal month for travel before the fall looms for the rest of the year.  There are the best places to travel in August 2022 that offers cultural celebrations, wildlife, experience sightseeing, and more across the globe. This is the time you experience nature at its best, from seeing whales off the coast of Australia to seeing jaguars in the marshes of Brazil. Instead, how about doing a little time travel in Sweden?

August is one of the greatest months to go, as it offers the chance to swim with the world’s largest sharks near Playa del Carmen.

Places to Travel in August, sharks

Additionally, visitors can view the Great Migration as thousands of exotic wildlife trample the Serengeti plains.

Alternately, spend your August vacation attending some of the most fascinating artistic and cultural occasions ever, such as the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, or the Brussels Flower Carpet.

Here are the 20 Best Places in the World that are worth your dime in August 2022.

1. Experience Wildlife in August at Yellowstone Park

Places to Travel in August at Yellowstone Park

Observing the mating season in one of the US’s national parks is an unforgettable sound as well as visual experience in August.

Bull herds congregate in Yellowstone National Park in August to compete for ladies. They exhibit aggressive behaviours and sounds to establish their authority, and they adopt bonding gestures to attract a partner. 

The growling roars of the rut are claimed to be audible nearly three miles distant and echo throughout Hayden Valley. 

You will hear a variety of obscene noises if you park close to a herd from huffs and growls to irate screeches and earth-shaking booms.

2. Explore the Beauty of Game of Thrones’ famed King’s Landing – The Dubrovnik

Places to Travel in August in The Dubrovnik

The annual Dubrovnik Summer Festival takes place in Croatia during the first three weeks of August, luring culture lovers to the “jewel of the Adriatic.” 

The event, which is the biggest cultural festival in Europe, includes a packed schedule of classical music concerts, opera, ballet performances, and theatrical productions in more than 70 outdoor venues. 

The warmth and throngs in Dubrovnik during this time of year are well worth it for this captivating event.

The UNESCO World Heritage site served as King’s Landing in the critically acclaimed HBO television series Game of Thrones. 

The area may be seen beautifully from Dubrovnik’s well-known cable car, along with other tourist destinations. It is globally regarded as the best place in Europe to travel in August

3. Spot Pumas and Jaguars at Brazil’s Pantanal

Places to Travel in August, Jaguars at Brazil’s Pantanal

Although jaguars are among the most secretive animals on the globe. You have a good chance of spotting the third-largest cat species in Brazil’s Pantanal Wetland in the month of August. 

The largest wetland in the world is easier to reach during the dry season, particularly near the Cuiaba River’s banks, where spotted species members frequently congregate.

If you want to see the jaguars, plan on spending at least three days in the vicinity. Starting early in the day, guides will take you on the river. 

In contrast to other locations where you might only see the cats for a brief moment, operators in the Pantanal frequently record hours-long sightings. 

The jaguars may even be seen mating or playing with their pups on lucky occasions.

In this biologically varied region that straddles Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia, even if you don’t spot jaguars, you’re still likely to get a wonderful wildlife encounter. 

Numerous wildlife to watch out for include a wide range of birdlife (including hornbills, peregrine falcons, and parakeets), orangutans, foxes, and squirrel monkeys. One should without a doubt plan a trip to Pantanal, and it is one of the best places to travel in South America in August

4. Whale Watching in Australia

Places to Travel in August, Whale Watching

The sensation of witnessing a whale breach in the ocean is amazing. Every year during August, an estimated 20,000 humpback whales travel along Australia’s west coast, passing the Ningaloo Reef, which is protected by Unesco. 

Visitors at Ningaloo can swim with them this time of the year. Not just that, you can also encounter a variety of marine creatures, white sharks, including dolphins, manta rays, turtles, and sea turtles.

It is one of the country’s best-kept secrets and is one of the best places to travel in Australia in August. 

5. August’s Flower Festival Puts Medellin, Columbia on the International Map 

Flower Festival Puts Medellin

If you plan to visit Medellin for one event make it for the outrageously colourful and distinctively worldwide Feria de Las Flores (Flower Festival). 

This festival, which lasts up to ten days, showcases Colombia’s orchid and flower farmers. There are more than 4000 different species of orchids in Colombia! 

In addition to the Flower Festival, other summertime events worth checking out include the International Tango Festival, Poetry Festival, and Colombiamoda fashion show.

6. Experience the Mediaeval Reception in Visby, Sweden

Best Places to Travel in August, Mediaeval Reception in Visby

Visit Visby, a town from the Middle Age on the Swedish island of Gotland, this August to step back in time.

Sweden gets ready for Medeltidsveckan in August. The world’s largest festival that transforms this Unesco-listed port into a time machine for seven days every year. 

Visitors flood Visby’s historic town walls and the cobblestone streets to marvel at the carnival of joy, dinner, and unabashed party.  This is the closest thing to time travel one can get without a Starship thanks to the fairs, handicrafts, theatre, music, and fairy tales.

7. August Marks the Official Summer Month in Iceland

August is still one of the greatest (and hottest!) months to visit Iceland, despite being a month too early for the Northern Lights. Visitors are entitled to experience plenty of extra daylight to explore its spectacular natural surroundings.

Travel the Golden Circle to view some of Iceland’s best sights. Some of them include the Strokkur Geysir and Thingvellir National Park. 

Places to Travel in August, Myrdalsjökull Glacier Park

You also get acquainted with the magnificent Gullfoss Waterfall that gushes 140 cubic metres of water per second on average throughout the summer. 

Then, make the most of the time to go to Myrdalsjökull Glacier Park, a rough glacial region with volcanoes and hot springs that is only accessible in the summer.

A bath in the renowned Blue Lagoon is a must-do during your visit to the “Land of Fire and Ice.” However, as August is a popular month, be sure to reserve your seats well in advance. It is also one of the best places to travel in August 2022.

Read more – Best Time To Visit Iceland In 2022

8. It’s the Migration Season for Humpbacks in Newfoundland, Canada

This time of the year around 10,000 humpback whales travel through Newfoundland and Labrador, the easternmost province of Canada. 

Book the whale-watching boat cruises where you can view all 21 species of whales and dolphins that are in the area during August. 

The places to search for these beasts are well known to the guides.

Consider going out on a sea kayak with a knowledgeable guide who can help you get up close to whales and icebergs for an even more personal encounter. 

Visitors might also catch a glimpse of the gorgeous animals splashing their tails in the water from the beachside locations like Cape Spear, St. Anthony, Cape Race, White Bay, Witless Bay, and Twillingate.

The August attractions in Newfoundland are beyond whale watching. You can go stargazing using the specialised viewing equipment at Terra Nova National Park. The park hosts the Night Sky festivals which run through the entire month. 

9. Get Personal With Rine Wildlife at Playa del Carmen, México

Best Places to Travel in August

Watching whale sharks off the coast of Playa del Carmen is a popular activity in August. 

One of the best things to do is hop on a 7-hour journey out to sea where you snorkel with the experts in the water to encounter the world’s largest sharks. 

It grows to be 19 metres long and weighs an average of 54,000 kilos. 

These gentle giants will astound you because of their size and mystique.

Don’t wait to cross this exotic event off your bucket list because this endangered species might not be around forever. 

Also, you get the best deals on resorts if you’re looking for the best place to travel in August all-inclusive. 

10. It’s Time for Warmth and Festivities in Edinburgh, Scotland

Festivities in Edinburgh

Edinburgh, one of the UK’s beautiful towns, is always a good time to visit, but August is a pretty productive month in the Scottish city. 

At that time, the city was treated to a wide variety of live performances of opera, theatre, ballet, nightlife, circus acts, and other cultural activities

The credit goes to its renowned Edinburgh Fringe Festival which runs nearly a full month, this time of the year.  

With more than 56,000 performances spread across 300 locations throughout Edinburgh, it is believed to be the largest arts festival in the world. You can certainly find whatever kind of entertainment you’re looking for at this festival.

In addition, the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo festival lasts for the majority of August. The festival emphasises historic Scottish military events.

One of the city’s most popular tourist destinations in Edinburgh Castle which is busy with festivities, drumming, bagpipes, and fireworks.

11. Enjoy the Safari at its Lush in Zambia’s South Park

Best Places to Travel in August 2022 Zambia’s South Park

Zambia, a landlocked nation in East Africa, is a fantastic place to spend the last few weeks of the summer because August falls right in the heart of the dry season there. 

In addition, it is a good time for outdoor activities. August temperatures in Zambia typically range from morning lows of 10 degrees Celsius to afternoon highs of 23 degrees Celsius.

Visit South Luangwa National Park for its lush forests and a memorable safari. The park is two times the size of France.  Four of the Big Five game animals—lions, buffalo, leopards, and elephants—call this stunning wildlife reserve home. Unfortunately, poachers have destroyed the park’s rhino populations.

As you move through the fascinating landscape of the vast park, you may also see a variety of gazelle, antelope, spotted hyena, elephants, wildebeest, zebra and other animals.

The South Luangwa National Park is worth staying the night at a camp. Not only can you go on a safari early in the morning when the animals are most active, but you can also go stargazing and view the Milky Way in a pitch-black sky free of light pollution.

It tops the list of best international places to travel in August. 

12. It’s Pleasant Summertime in Milan, Italy

Pleasant Summertime in Milan

Visitors to Milan can enjoy a more tranquil, pleasurable city in August while saving up to 62 per cent on hotel accommodation. Because Italians like to take their summer vacation in August, there won’t be as many people around.

Milan is one of the best places in Europe to travel in August. The majority of the months are manageable at 25 degrees Fahrenheit, with a few hot days, but the dampness may make it feel warmer. 

Since it’s the end of the busy season, there will be plenty of tourists in the city (remember, the residents are heading to the beach). However, great prices can still be found, especially near the month’s end.

Don’t miss seeing Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper in the Santa Maria Delle Crazy cathedral. 

It is the perfect time to go on a shopping spree in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, or the magnificent Il Duomo cathedral while you’re in town.

13. Flower Carpet and Gorgeous Weather Blossoms in Brussels, Belgium

Weather Blossoms in Brussels

If it happens to be an even-numbered year and you’re looking for somewhere to go in August, go to Brussels

At that time, the Grand Place is adorned with massive patterned carpet made entirely of wildflowers. 

The famed Flower Carpet attraction, which is 77 metres long and 24 metres broad, is made up of almost one million petunias. 

Amazingly, more than 120 individuals worked together to complete the design in less than four hours. In order to enjoy the finest view from City Hall, reserve your tickets in advance.

Extend your trip to include time for sightseeing at other popular tourist destinations in Brussels. 

Visit the Saint-Michel Cathedral, a sombre Gothic architecture with a nearly 800-year history. The Comic Strip Centre is a great place to learn about Belgian cartoon history.

Tourists must spend a day at the Parc du Cinquantenaire which makes it the best time to travel in August for weather.

14. Summer is a Super Fun Time to Visit the Big Apple [New York]

places to travel in August in New York

In addition to the fact that there is never a dull day in New York City, the summer is a fantastic season for the outdoors, and a mighty light on your budget. And, it is one of the best places to travel in August in the USA.  

While August’s first two weeks are still bustling with tourists. The mid-week is when children return to school, experiencing a significant decline in tourist activity. 

At that time, you can book hotels at significant savings. Between the busy summer and the warm fall, the whole month offers a narrow window of opportunity. 

You can keep an eye out for cheap direct flights to the city if you prepare ahead of time for this particular month.

Plan for warm weather in August in New York City and take in some of the city’s outdoor shows and concerts. 

Walk through Central Park before visiting the famous Rockefeller Centre and ascending to the observation deck for stunning city views. 

Set aside some time to view the Empire State Building and sail past the Statue of Liberty by boat.

Read moreBest Day Trips From NYC and Best Weekend Getaways from NYC

15. Tourists Flock to the Philippines to Experience the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World’

Tourists Flock to the Philippines to Experience

In August, the Ifugao province of the Philippines is covered in greenery. The 2,000-year-old terraced rice paddies in the Cordillera region are lush at this time of year thanks to the seasonal rains, making for an amazing sight for travellers.

The paddies are astounding; if stretched end to end, their length would span half of the circle of the Earth. 

Additionally, the hand-carved terraces are artistically stunning. They are frequently referred to as the “Eighth Wonder of the World” by tourists, and are one of the best places to travel in Asia in August

Although there are about 50 rice terraces in the region. The five clusters—Nagacadan, Batad, Bangaan, Mayoyao, and Hungduan have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 

16. Get on a Guided Mendenhall Glacier Hiking Excursion in Alaska

Hiking Excursion in  Alaska

This outdoor excursion in Alaska is fantastic this time of the year. You have several options to choose from all around the last frontier.  

Team up with the reliable guide and experience these captivating ice glaciers which is 12 miles northwest of Anchorage, the Alaska capital. The best part is it is accessible by road in August.

From the 1,500 square mile Juneau Icefield, the Mendenhall Glacier snakingly descends to the edges of a nearby beautiful creek. 

The Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Centre offers views of both the glacier and the iceberg-dotted ocean.

Visitors can float among the glaciers on rafting and kayaking excursions. 

White bears, porcupines, and beavers are among the animals that are frequently seen when exploring this brilliant blue terrain. 

Between May and October is debatably the greatest time to travel when there is a better chance of sunshine. It is one of the best places to travel to in the US in August.

17. Test Your Hiking Prowess in Papua New Guinea

place to travel in August at Papua New Guinea

Travel to Papua New Guinea and start hiking the Kokoda Track, which was the scene of a devastating World War II combat at one time. 

The 100-kilometre trail is constantly muddy, but from approximately May to October is the dry season when it is safer and simpler to traverse.

It’s not advised to hike the Kokoda Track by yourself, therefore schedule a tour group. 

Depending on your speed, endurance, rest intervals, and itinerary, you’ll be walking in a single line for six to eight hours each day for four to twelve days over the twisting mediaeval path. 

You’ll cross rivers, climb cliffs, traverse mountains, and travel through dense jungle foliage along the way. 

You’ll always remember this trip as one of the most gratifying and demanding experiences of your life. It is always the best and cheapest place to travel in August. 

18. Experience the Desert hospitality, and Night Safari in Tucson, Arizona

Night Safari in Tucson, Arizona

Even when it gets into the low 90s in August, a pool or a cold beverage is always nearby. Mid-August is the best time for Prickly Pear Harvest, which takes place at Tanque Verde Ranch.

You may go pear picking and then treat yourself with a delicious margarita of the same. In Tucson, Arizona, the summer nights are lovely and provide a cosmos-filled night safari in the Sonoran Desert. 

Experience the therapeutic hospitality of the desert spa at The Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain, Loews Ventana Canyon, or Canyon Ranch Tucson. 

The Citizen Hotel, Tucson’s first wine hotel, is located in the building that housed the city’s first newspaper. A glimpse into Tucson’s interesting past is also provided by a stay at the famed Hotel Congress. Definitely, one of the best places to travel solo in August. 

19. Wildlife in August Preps up for the Great Migration at Masai Mara National Reserve

Masai Mara National Reserve

One of nature’s most breathtaking spectacles, the Great Migration, makes its way across Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve every July through August. 

In pursuit of forage and fresh water, large herds of Thomson’s wildebeest, antelopes, elands, and zebras, migrate north across the Serengeti plains.

The Masai Mara’s more than 15 river crossings frequently become bottlenecks for migration, providing tourists with front-row views of incredible wildlife action.

To see the migration, you’ll need a little bit of luck to be at the right place at the right time. 

Give yourself lots of time and think about remaining in different areas throughout the park to improve your chances of getting a close-up view of the migration. This is also one of the best places to travel in August with family.

20. Enjoy the Great Time and Life in Las Vegas, Nevada at Dirt-Cheap Fares

best places to travel in Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas is your flavour if you like it hot. 

One of the finest cheap locations to fly in August is this nonstop holiday spot, which becomes a genuine hot house by the end of summer. 

You benefit from the late-summer visitor gap, especially at higher-end hotels where it is preferable to fill a room at a discount than none at all. Imagine staying in Bellagio for just 36 USD a night! 

There are fewer visitors and conventions in the late summer, which is an additional reason for visiting Las Vegas. This translates into greater room at the pool and at the main Strip attractions. You can obtain even bigger discounts if you book your trip for weekdays. 

Flights to Las Vegas are equally inexpensive. There are usually discounts if you shop smart this month, you can club cheap flights and hotels at your dream budget. Money-wise this is the best places to travel in august in usa.


Whether you’re a traveller looking for the next location to visit or a potential tourist wanting to know what’s in store, August is your kind of month. So why wait? There’s nothing quite like getting away from it all to get some fresh air and new scenery. And when you do arrive at your destination, you’ll be happy that you took the time to plan ahead.

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